
The bat survey in the Greek part of the Prespa basin in 2018–2020 confirmed, despite the limited methods used, its extraordinary importance for bat diversity. The study documented the presence of 22 bat forms (20 species) by acoustic surveys and a favourable status of some roosts including several nursery colonies. Three of the recorded species are here reported for the first time, Eptesicus nilssonii (the first record for Greece), Nyctalus lasiopterus, and Barbastella barbastellus, however, confirmation by a capture or direct observation of an individual is still needed. The collected data showed that bats do not avoid the urbanized parts of the study area and underlined the importance of old houses, churches, and ruins providing suitable roosting and foraging opportunities. The measurements of light pollution in villages revealed a high amount of light diffusion caused by the used type of shieldless luminaires. Heat maps of light intensity revealed a slightly higher bat activity in almost all villages in 2020, upon the situation in 2018. Bat passes were recorded not only in the peripheries of the highest illumination zones but also inside them, although some of the bat passes may belong to bats flying enough in the dark above the light levels of the installed lamps. The study provides application of mitigation actions for the Municipality of Prespa with the main aim to reduce the current level of the ALAN (Artificial Light At Night).

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