
We studied bat assemblages in seven sampling sites in the rural zone of São Carlos, southeastern Brazil. The sampling sites were two riparian forests, two types of Brazilian savanna (cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão), a Pinus plantation, a semideciduous forest, and an open area. We sampled bats from January 2007 to December 2011 with mist nets, totalizing 100 capture nights and 38,587 m2h of capture effort. We captured 523 individual bats of 23 species belonging to three families. Sturnira lilium was the most frequently captured species and represented 40% of all captures, followed by Carollia perspicillata (17%) and Glossophaga soricina (12%). The studied heterogeneous landscape harbors a rich bat fauna compared to other studies with similar effort in well-preserved savannas.

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