
<p class="ql-align-justify">The lands of Ottoman domination have attracted Western Travellers in almost all periods of history. The travellers visiting Turkish lands with different purposes penned lots of things they saw and were attracted to. They also recorded their observations, especially about the konargoçers called Yoruk or Turkman, which were one of the essential elements of Turkish Society in their travels. They referred to their tents in use due to their mobile way of life, depending on the seasonal variations in winter quarters, pasture and fall range, and their other types of domicile, either in detail or in general. They also referred to the equipment, set up and interior characteristics of the tents. While they mentioned the name, karaçadır, they did not speak of topak ev, alaçık, huğ and the names of the other types of domicile, but mostly, they described their general appearance and forms. Based on their observations, these travellers mostly tried to describe the surrounding as it was. However, there were some who could not get rid of their Orientalist point of view, as&nbsp;well as others who put forward a romantic perspective. The travellers unfolded both the different types of tents, and several other types of domicile used together with them while they put forward their regional and geographical distribution by mentioning the varieties of dwellings and tent types in their information.

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