
The diversity of ethnic groups in Indonesia creates diverse social, political, and cultural identities. Therefore, it can be said that Indonesia has a very diverse local culture and is still being preserved until now. One of the results of local culture that will be discussed in this journal is batik. In this design, the designer chose a hornbill-patterned batik cloth from East Kalimantan to be applied to the wall treatment of the meeting room of the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) located in East Kutai, East Kalimantan. The purpose of the study is to find out design criteria and the visualization example of the interior. The research method used is qualitative method, refers to design process theory of Rosemary Kilmer and Ottie W. Kilmer. Result of the research is the application of hornbill batik motive because the hornbill itself is an icon in East Kalimantan culture and has deep meaning for local residents. The application of the hornbill batik motive on the wall treatment of the BAPPEDA meeting room is expected to present traditional elements in the midst of a modern design style, as well as to preserve the culture of East Kalimantan.

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