
Teleseismic receiver function (RF) analysis traditionally has targeted deep earth structures in the context of observational seismology, allowing the detection of converted seismic phases originating from major boundaries of impedance. Recent efforts to adapt this passive-source seismic imaging technique to basin-scale subsurface characterization have retrieved primary basin geometries and key stratigraphic boundaries by relying on densely deployed broadband seismometer networks. While accurate interpretation of RF time series on Earth benefitted from complementary subsurface constraints (e.g., core and well logs), lack of such resources and instrumental limitations must be considered in the context of planetary geophysics, where passive-source imaging may emerge as a key frontier exploration technique. Thus, it is important to establish an analysis framework in which observed RF signals are interpreted by relying on first-order suppositions about the physical properties of the underlying subsurface. In this work, we seek to simulate this approach in single-station scenarios and qualitatively examine the baseline information inferable from the RF time series. Our results suggest that signals observed in the sedimentary interval can be reasonably attributed to major impedance changes expected from the generalized lithostratigraphy of the local subsurface, including the transition to the underlying crust. We also find patterns of anisotropy-related directional variations in high-frequency signals as well as unique frequency-dependent responses likely associated with the depth and vertical dimension of converting boundaries. Together, these seismic observables enable inference of various geologic attributes within the underlying sedimentary unit, proving it to be a critical tool in future efforts of planetary exploration.

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