
The latest international trade is characterized by serious, radical changes - the creation of a global information space, where the main products of production are information and knowledge, and information technologies penetrate almost every sphere of economic activity. International treaties become the main source of legal regulation of relations arising in the field of international trade.
 It has been established that the future development of Ukraine's economy directly depends not only on determining the directions of transformation of legal relations in the field of international trade, but also on how Ukraine directly implements the provisions of current international treaties in the field of international trade, in particular in such an important field as intellectual property - international agreements are the determining factors of the competitiveness of the country's economy, the most valuable capital that determines the strategy and tactics of our country's development, the most important driver of innovation.
 It was found out that today, the states have come to the realization that without solving issues related to the international regulation of relations in the field of intellectual property, without concluding international agreements in this field, it will be impossible to promote any object of intellectual property in the world. It is substantiated that all the specified international treaties regulating intellectual property as an object of trade transactions, to which Ukraine has joined, form an interconnected system of international trade relations. The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) occupies a special role among the system of these international agreements. The implementation of the TRIPS Agreement in Ukraine progressed in parallel with radical changes in the ways of using intellectual property in trade and the growing use of the international intellectual property system. Currently, Ukraine is at the final stage of institutional reform in the field of intellectual property - the State Organization «Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations» (UANIPIO) has been established; its powers, scope and directions of its activity are established; the right to represent Ukraine in international and regional organizations, etc.
 Ukraine is an active participant in international trade processes and the corresponding main international legal acts in this area, which increases the interest of our state in optimizing and improving the standards, norms and provisions that regulate it. Judicial practice has confirmed that international treaties are an integral part of national legislation.

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