
The history of the creation of the course of lectures “Basics of the Biology of Aging” at the School of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, as well as at the Department of Life Science and Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology is brie y described. In the process of teaching this course, the author got the impression that its main provisions may also be of interest to students of non-biological specialties, who have recently been quite often involved in the work on the implementation of gerontological grants. This is largely determined, apparently, by the signi cantly increased funding for this kind of research in recent years. In turn, this is a consequence of the fact that the average life span of people in developed countries has increased dramatically over the past decades. However, the maximum life span has not changed much (it is now the same as it was thousands of years ago, it is just that the chances of living to the age of a centenarian have become much greater). If earlier people often died at an early age from various diseases not related to age (mainly infectious diseases), now, due to signi cant advances in medicine, most people live to old age. As a result, death “from aging” is becoming more common. At the same time, many people have a very vague idea of what aging is, what are its mechanisms and how to ght it. In this regard, in 2022, an interschool elective course of lectures was organized at MSU for students of any departments of the university, except for the School of Biology itself. It is called “Basics of the biology of aging, or everything you wanted to know about aging (but were afraid to ask).” The material of the lectures was specially adapted for students who are not biologists by their main specialty. The main emphasis in the course, consisting of 12 lectures, is made on the fundamental de nitions and methodical/methodological approaches used in gerontology. The article lists the questions submitted for the students’ test and brie y analyzes its results.

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