
The study aimed at evaluating the interest and attitude of Junior High School (JHS) learners in the entrepreneurial skills topic taught as part of the Social Studies subject, which is one of the common core subjects newly introduced for basic 7 to 10 levels of study. Data was collected from 103 JHS students from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Basic School. Data collection was done using both questionnaire and interview guide. Data and information collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the study revealed that the respondents had shallow knowledge on the entrepreneurial topic, citing a lack of practical training and experience on the part of the teachers. The respondents believed that well trained and experienced practitioners should be used in teaching the entrepreneurial skills topic. The study concludes that schools have fundamental roles to play in ensuring effective entrepreneurial education for the youth since entrepreneurship education in Ghana is seen as one of the best ways to solve the graduate unemployment situation in the country. The study recommends the need to review the curriculum on entrepreneurship to cover the development of student’s knowledge, skills and practical abilities. In addition staff should be supported and exposed to industrial experience on the topic, to enable them teach the practical aspects of the entrepreneurial content. The study further recommends that efforts should be made to involve experienced practitioners in teaching the subject.

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