
Transfer of categories, principles and patterns from different fields of knowledge is found increasingly in modern science. New areas of research appear at the intersection of sciences and are interdisciplinary. One such example is the application of the category of physics “entropy” to the study of “non-traditional” systems for physics — organizations. Today, researchers are trying to justify its presence and establish the laws of its formation and changes in the context of managing organizations. The energy-entropic approach to organizations is an adaptation of energyentropics, taking into account the specifics of organizations as socio-technical and socio-economic systems. In this study, are formulated the basic principles of the energy-entropic theory of organizations, which include: identification of the organization’s energy flows, organization’s energy flows model and energy balance. Also in the work at a conceptual level, is formulated the necessary condition to reduce the organization's energy entropy. Energy is understood as the organization’s resources, the differentiation of which made it possible to identify its energy flows. It is established that at a fixed point in time, the total energy of the organization consists of its internal energy, inflows associated with current activities and its outflows, taking into account dissipation. All these categories of energy input and outflow are associated with the implementation of the organization's metabolic processes with the external environment. The subject of exchange are matter, information and energy. It is established that the energy of the organization is aimed at completing work that is converted into a final product or useful work and providing a certain value. Moreover, the work formalizes energy efficiency and efficiency for the organization, develops an approach to monitor the effectiveness of the organization. The presented results form the basis of the energy-entropic theory, which forms a new look at the processes of functioning and development of organizations and provides new opportunities to identify sources of increasing the efficiency of these processes.

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