
AbstractThe aim of the study is a comprehensive study of the current state of the information support system for agriculture in the United States, its main aspects and development prospects. The article considers the factors influencing the information support of the US agricultural sector at different levels of the information support system, describes the process of making a managerial decision by farmers. The study suggests approaches to assessing the weight of information support as a factor in the intensification of agriculture. Precision farming, animal husbandry as trends in the modern agricultural sector have certain barriers to implementation and quality use. Difficulties in determining the economic efficiency of information support at the level of farms are explained, the main reasons for which are the lack of a representative statistical base and the imperfection of statistical methods. The trends in the provision of space services based on the use of Earth remote sensing data are indicated. Two main factors determine the supply and demand in the market of information products and services of the US agricultural sector, which has a stable effective demand from large agricultural producers: the development of scientific and technological progress and structural changes in the US agricultural sector.KeywordsFood process engineeringBiotechnology in foodMapping and spatial data analysisSmall farms

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