
We prove the right Lax-type inequality on subarcs of the unit circle of the complex plane for complex algebraic polynomials of degree n having no zeros in the open unit disk. This is done by establishing the right Bernstein–Szegő–Videnskii type inequality for real trigonometric polynomials of degree at most n on intervals shorter than the period. The paper is closely related to recent work by B. Nagy and V. Totik. In fact, their asymptotically sharp Bernstein-type inequality for complex algebraic polynomials of degree at most n on subarcs of the unit circle is recaptured by using more elementary methods. Our discussion offers a somewhat new way to see V.S. Videnskii’s Bernstein and Markov type inequalities for trigonometric polynomials of degree at most n on intervals shorter than a period, two classical polynomial inequalities first published in 1960. A new Riesz–Schur type inequality for trigonometric polynomials is also established. Combining this with Videnskii’s Bernstein-type inequality gives Videnskii’s Markov-type inequality immediately.

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