
Introducation. The activities of physical culture and sport subjects are related to the issues of popularization certain sports among the population. The result of the development of game sports should be seen in the quantitative and qualitative achievements and indicators of the involvement certain groups of the population in one or another sport. Aim: to establish the dynamics of the basic indicators of the development of game sports in the Ivano-Frankivsk region during 2019−2021. Material and methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical data, analysis of documentary materials, methods of mathematical statistics were used. The content of the consolidated reports on the activities of children's and youth sport schools (specialized children's and youth sport schools of the Olympic reserve) in the Ivano-Frankivsk region during 2019−2021 have been studied. Results. There is a clear and significantly negative dynamic of the quantitative indicators of athletes engaged in game sports when moving from one level of sportsmanship to another. At the level of mass divisions, all sports are represented, at the level of reserve sport – all sports, except ice hockey and futsal, and at the level of higher sports achievements – only two sports – basketball and Ping-Pong. Football (29-26 divisions) is the leader in terms of the number of departments, followed by volleyball with a considerable lag behind (11-15) and table tennis (10-13). In football, from 174 to 95 groups of initial training, 145-117 groups of basic training, 6-11 groups of specialized training are organized; in volleyball – 60−54, 36−41 and one groups; Ping-Pong – 26−30, 22−26 and 4 groups; basketball – 38−15, 31−11 and 6−4 groups, respectively, during 2019−2021. At the stage of preparation for higher achievements, only basketball and Ping-Pong are presented (2−1 preparation group). Conclusions. Among the game sports in the Ivano-Frankivsk region during 2019−2021, was established a pronounced hierarchy of sports, where football, volleyball, basketball, Ping-Pong are the leaders, and ice hockey and futsal are outright outsiders.

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