
A three-complex-parameter class of orthogonal Laurent polynomials on the unit circle associated with basic hypergeometric or q q -hypergeometric functions is considered. To be precise, we consider the orthogonality properties of the sequence of polynomials { 2 Φ 1 ( q − n , q b + 1 ; q − c + b − n ; q , q − c + d − 1 z ) } n = 0 ∞ \{\,_2\Phi _1(q^{-n},q^{b+1};q^{-c+b-n}; q, q^{-c+d-1}z)\}_{n=0}^{\infty } , where 0 > q > 1 0 > q > 1 and the complex parameters b b , c c and d d are such that b ≠ − 1 , − 2 , … b \neq -1, -2, \ldots , c − b + 1 ≠ − 1 , − 2 , … c-b+1 \neq -1, -2, \ldots , R e ( d ) > 0 \mathcal {R}e(d) > 0 and R e ( c − d + 2 ) > 0 \mathcal {R}e(c-d+2) > 0 . Explicit expressions for the recurrence coefficients, moments, orthogonality and also asymptotic properties are given. By a special choice of the parameters, results regarding a class of Szegő polynomials are also derived.

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