
The effects of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) on presumptive auditory and vestibular neurons from the medulla were studied in primary cell cultures. The part of the rhombic lip that forms nucleus magnocellularis (homologue of the mammalian anteroventral cochlear nucleus) was explanted from white leghorn chicken embryos at Hamburger-Hamilton stage 28 (E5.5), the time when precursors of the magnocellularis bushy cells migrate and begin to differentiate in situ. In vitro the neuroblasts migrated onto 2-D substrates of purified collagen, differentiated, and expressed neuronal markers. One-half of the cultures were supplemented with human recombinant FGF-2 (10 ng/ml daily) for 5–7 days; the others, with fetal bovine serum. FGF-2 more than doubled the length of neurite outgrowth during the first 3 day treatment compared to serum, but the number of migrating neuroblasts was unaffected. Although neurites attained greater lengths in FGF-2, they usually degenerated after 4–5 days; in serum their growth continued for several weeks. Differentiation of neuronal structure, including axons and dendrites, began within 1–2 days in bFGF but required at least 5–7 days in serum. Histochemical observations in vitro and in situ with antibodies to FGF receptor demonstrated immunopositive patches on acoustico-vestibular neuroblasts at stage 28, when they are migrating and first forming their axons. The findings suggest that FGF-2 stimulates neurite outgrowth in the cochlear and vestibular nuclei. FGF-2 may accelerate cell death by overstimulating neuroblasts, but other factors are needed to sustain their further development.

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