
The intraspecific behavior of the non-singing cricket Phaeophilacris bredoides Kaltenbach, 1986, which has no tympanal system, stridulatory apparatus, and classical acoustic communication, was studied. Even though this cricket has no song, its intraspecific behavior can be differentiated into reproductive and agonistic (defensive and aggressive), as this was done before for singing crickets. The main elements and the sequence of the phases were described for reproductive behavior. The active role during copulation belongs to the male. Wingflicks and rocking movements of the male can function as a “song.” Wing-flicks apparently generate air movements that function as short-range signals during reproductive and aggressive behavior. Substrate-borne vibrations produced by rocking also seem to be associated with aggressive behavior. Antennal contacts form an important part of interaction between crickets of both sexes. Thus, intraspecific signaling is at least partly mediated by mechanosensory channels. The assumption about the possible direction of evolution in the singing and non-singing groups of crickets was made.

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