
Quantum mechanics forms the basis of modern physics. In a sense it is the parent theory about which we construct our view of the physical world. Briefly, quantum mechanics is the theory by which we describe the behaviors of subatomic and atomic particles, such as electrons, of which the macroscopic world is made. Although it is not necessary to treat macroscopic objects by use of quantum mechanics, the laws of quantum mechanics and their implications are completely consistent with Newton's Laws of Motion, which we know are applicable to most macroscopic objects. As we will see below, Newton's Laws of Motion are a special subset of quantum mechanics; quantum mechanics reduces to Newton's Laws at macroscopic dimensions. Before we begin our study of quantum mechanics, it is of interest to explain why quantum mechanics is of importance in the study of modern electrical engineering. Many new areas of electrical engineering are based on developments that can be understood only through the use of quantum mechanics. Among these are the broad areas of semiconductors and solid-state electronic devices, electro-optics and lasers, superconductors. It would be fair to say that in the study of each of the above areas some knowledge of quantum mechanics is essential. In this book, some basic concepts in quantum mechanics are presented that are necessary in the study of the above-mentioned disciplines. Introduction The concept most basic toward the understanding of quantum mechanics is the concept of measurement.

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