
Inclusive education involves the creation of all necessary conditions for the development of a special child in school. The success of inclusive education is largely determined by the relationships that have developed in the family in which a child with special educational needs is brought up. Families with a child with special educational needs play a key role in the child’s social integration. That is why such a family needs special attention from specialists. The presence of various problems and difficulties of negative attitudes in the family, leads to a deterioration of the family climate. Work experience shows that if there is an optimistic mood in the family, then the child will have confidence in their abilities and capabilities. Activation of parents and the formation in their minds of the need to help the child is the main mechanism that promotes the harmonious adaptation of the child. The article highlights the important role of the family in addressing the upbringing of children with special needs as active members of society. The necessity of professional comprehensive study of a family raising a child with special needs has been proved. The relevance of the family-oriented approach is revealed. The main problems and difficulties of a family raising a child with special educational needs have been identified. The directions of complex psychological and pedagogical assistance to such a family and as a consequence of harmonization and optimization of intra-family relations in the family are given.

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