
This paper has as object the curriculum (re)formulation policy based on the Brazilian federal law nº 12.796/2013 curricular standards, known as Base Nacional Comum Curricular, and implemented by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação –MEC). The present article specifically addresses the early childhood education propositions in the mentioned policy. In order to analyze the development of such policy at the municipal level, as well as its arrangements, adjustments, tensions and results,we observed the work developed by the Educational Department of Nova Iguaçu city during the years of 2018 and 2019, department known as Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Município de Nova Iguaçu. As a methodological theoretical framework, Michael Apple’s Relational Analysis helped to understand the curricula formulation standards as one proposal among other educational policies. In a short period of time, alongside a school community’s low participation scenario and yet without the final document’s publication/circulation, the aforementioned city of Nova Iguaçu met its goals of curriculum reformulation.

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