
A new and precisely defined timing, chronometric, and chronostratigraphic subdivision of the Badenian (middle Miocene, regional stage of Central Paratethys) is presented based on data from the classic Vienna and Styrian basins and the Alpine–Carpathian Foredeep using global events. The data include geomagnetic polarity reversals as correlated chronometric boundaries, climatic and sea-level changes, and isotope events and biostratigraphic data. The Karpatian–Badenian boundary is positioned at 16.303 Ma, at the top of chron C5Cn.2n, and the Badenian–Sarmatian boundary at 12.829 Ma, at the top of polarity chron C5Ar.2n. The lower Badenian ranges from 16.303 to 15.032 Ma, the top of polarity chron C5Bn.2n. The orbitally based time calibration of the Badenian stratotype at the type locality Baden Sooss yields an age of 13.982–13.964 Ma (Hohenegger and Wagreich 2012) belonging to the middle Badenian.

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