
We develop a general theoretical framework for the description of higher-twist baryon operators which makes maximal use of the conformal symmetry of the QCD Lagrangian. The conformal operator basis is constructed for all twists. The complete analysis of the one-loop renormalization of twist-4 operators is given. The evolution equation for three-quark operators of the same chirality turns out to be completely integrable. The spectrum of anomalous dimensions coincides in this case with the energy spectrum of the twist-4 subsector of the SU ( 2 , 2 ) Heisenberg spin chain. The results are applied to give a general classification and calculate the scale dependence of subleading twist-4 nucleon distribution amplitudes that are relevant for hard exclusive reactions involving a helicity flip. In particular we find an all-order expression (in conformal spin) for the contributions of geometric twist-3 operators to the (light-cone) twist-4 nucleon distribution amplitudes, which are usually referred to as Wandzura–Wilczek terms.

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