
The genera Afipia and Bartonella cat-scratch disease and an overview ofother Bartonella henselae-related infections human diseases - apart from cat-scratch diseases, bacillary angiomatosis, and peliosis - and carriership related with Bartonella and Afipia species Bartonella henselae infections in HIV and AIDS bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis - histopathological features and differential diagnosis microbiological diagnosis of Bartonella species and Afipia felis diagnostics of human infections caused by Bartonella henselae new approaches in molecular diagnostics of human infections caused by Bartonella henselae characterization of isolates of Bartonella henselae by repetitive element PCR characterization of isolates of Bartonella henselae by restriction endonuclease analysis of the PCR-amplified 16S-23S rRNA gene spacer region minimal inhibitory concentration determination in Bartonella henselae therapy of Bartonella henselae-associated human disease infections and carriership of Bartonella and Afipia species in veterinary medicine epidemiology and pathology of Bartonella henselae in cats.

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