
The approach to performing COVID-19 testing in general practice has been going through an evolution and is variable. The aim of this study was to determine what underlying factors, if any, impeded onsite COVID-19 testing in general practices for patients during the second wave of the pandemic in Victoria. This study was conducted during August 2020 and October 2020. Fourteen semi-structured interviews with general practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers were conducted. Barriers to performing onsite testing for COVID-19 were identified as: 1)individual, 2)practitioner perception of fear, 3)lack ofpersonal protective equipment, 4)inappropriate clinic design/location, 5)risk of patient avoidance, 6)financial risk, 7)a lack of knowledge and 8)lack ofguidelines. This study's findings relate to a unique period in Victoria, which at the time accounted for 70% of the nation's total cases and 90% of deaths. Therefore, the barriers identified in this study may help inform policymakers in regard to planning for future responses to similar situations.

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