
Objective: Analyze key barriers to achieving children's right to food under Colombia's food and nutrition security policies and programs. Methods: A literature review was conducted along with 17 semi-structured expert interviews. The law framework on the right to food was applied to analyze findings. Results: Four key barriers were found. First, a reductionist approach prevails in the political narrative. This focuses on ensuring personal food access overlooking societal and environmental impacts. Second, the implementation of policies and programs is passed on to third parties, preventing civic participation and accountability. Third, there are insufficient national data sources and indicators to monitor the impact of interventions and funding. Fourth, program implementation is unequal and inadequate, which inadvertently supports illicit economies that thrive on conditions of hunger and poverty. Conclusion: Children's food and nutrition are reliant on organizations that focus on personal food supply without strengthening civic participation. Strengthening participation requires a human rights approach. International organizations can help the government to engage communities in policy and program improvement and oversight.

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