
Discussions on service delivery have mainly focused on the dichotomy of make or buy. However mixed service delivery is another option; only a part of the service delivery is contracted out, while the rest of it remains internally. Previous studies identify two synergies from using mixed service delivery: An efficiency synergy based on enhanced possibilities for benchmarking public and private suppliers against each other and a knowledge sharing synergy based on differences in competences and knowledge. It seems evident that the private suppliers play a crucial part in achieving the synergies of efficiency and knowledge sharing, but the private supplier’s role in mixed service delivery remains unclear in previous research. Results from an explorative multiple case study among private providers of nursing home care show that there are large variations in how the municipalities deal with private providers. The private suppliers experience a lack of access to local government resources that publicly run nursing homes have, and that local government officials have a larger influence on the supplier relationship than the city council’s political observation. The author offers four propositions to portray barriers for achieving cross-sector synergies.

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