
Abstract We have investigated baroclinic instability with cumulus heating using a vertically discrete, linearized, quasi-geostrophic model on a β-plane. Two formulations of cumulus heating were used. The first formulation (η-model) rests on the assumption that heating at all levels is proportional to the vertical p-velocity at the top of the lowest model layer. The second formulation (AS-model) follows the cumulus parameterization proposed by Arakawa and Schubert. We present results for basic states with a constant temperature lapse rate and zonal flows linear in pressure. With both formulations, we found the Green modes for easterly shears destabilized by cumulus heating. We discuss the mechanism of this destabilization along with the vertical structure and energetics of the perturbations. We extended the analyses for basic zonal flows similar to those observed during the Indian summer monsoon season, with the AS-model. The wavelength, phase speed, growth rate and vertical structure corresponding to a pe...

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