
In recent decades bark beetle outbreaks have caused high mortality in natural mountain Picea abies forests in Central Europe. This study evaluated factors affecting seedling establishment of P. abies by focusing on the role of fungal communities in decaying logs, which is an important regeneration microsite. At the control site, which was affected by lower severity disturbance, well decayed logs with moss and vegetation cover hosted many seedlings. At the disturbed site, which experienced high mortality by bark beetles, greater canopy openness suppressed vegetation on logs and lowered seedling density. Additionally, the presence of a white rot basidiomycete Phellopilus nigrolimitatus was positively associated with seedling density. In contrast, the presence of a brown rot basidiomycete Fomitopsis pinicola was negatively associated with seedling density. The relationships between these decomposer fungi and seedling density might be partly attributed to changes in wood chemical properties and associated mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi.

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