
¶Data from secondary fluid inclusions in barite and quartz occurring in strongly silicified lithologies (“Quarzite”) along the inter-Ordovician unconformity in SW Sardinia suggest that two distinct fluids are recorded in the mineral phases. (A), a high temperature (250–360 °C) – low salinity (0–6% NaCl equiv.) fluid, measured in quartz, (B), a high salinity (6–20% NaCl equiv.) – low temperature (<80–200 °C) fluid, measured in barite. Fluid (B), though less abundant than A, has also been recorded in quartz, whereas traces of fluid (A) were found in barite. The characteristics of fluid (B) make it akin to the well known saline formation waters responsible for the deposition of the post-Variscan barite and galena ores in SW Sardinia.

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