
The library is one of the essential place in any academic institution. With the invention of ICT (Information and Communications Technology), every sector now a day are trying to automate their system and library is also one of them. We can find that the technologies have taken over and helped the library in various ways. Now a day’s libraries need new tools that will allow them to increase their productivity and improve user service without adding personnel. Application of Bar-code technology in libraries is a way to process client requests from fast to fastest. Bar-code technology is mostly used in the circulation system of a library and most successful due to its speed, accuracy and reliability. Bar-coding though comparatively an old technology is one of the significant steps in library automation and is still not widely used in libraries. This article briefly discusses the description of the application of Bar-code technology in libraries, its working mechanism and also the advantages and disadvantages of this technology. The researcher has tried to explore the technical aspects of Bar-code technology in the library. The main aim of the article is to create awareness among the librarians to use Bar-code technology in the library. Bar-code is very cost-effective technology can be used by every library. The paper also discusses the creation of Bar-code with Glabels open-source software which is absolutely free of cost.

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