
Baptism is one of the sacraments recognized by the church and is believed to be a seal for believers, and a sign of Christ's ownership. However, if you look at the practice in the church, many questions will arise, both regarding the instruments used in baptizing and the subjects to be baptized (children or adults). This is due to a lack of understanding of baptism as well as differences in interpretation of the Bible and the confession of faith used in the church. This difference results in the emergence of conflicts between churches and the courage of certain sects, thus making statements that the other sects are wrong or right. Despite believing or using the same Bible and creed, each church has a different understanding and way of implementing baptism in the church. Therefore, the church needs to be sensitive to this. The Church of God needs to have the same unity or standard of truth, so that in carrying out church discipline, it remains in accordance with the truth of God's Word, the Bible. Seeing the gaps or facts that occur in the church of God, the purpose of writing this paper is to show the views of two faith confessions recognized by the Reformed church regarding child baptism and show how the practice of baptism should be practiced in the church community of God.

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