
ethno-liriguistic groups. At the same time, fear and vigilance on the part of the larger society bring the minority community to cen ter stage. Recognition, whether positive or negative, is the crucial raw material for culti vation of citizenship. Only those who exist can become members of society. That is why the full citizenship envisaged by liberal polit ical culture is active citizenship. Silence and invisibility are luxuries that can be afforded only by members of the majority culture, whose existence is collectively regis tered and institutionalized. But for minority groups, silence and invisibility amount to nonexistence, even political death. Therefore, any kind of noise that forces mainstream institutions (whether of government or pub lic opinion) to register the existence of a par ticular group aids in its incorporation. So long as it does not strip them of legal cit izenship outright, crisis can only strengthen individuals' cultural citizenship. Crises are bad for aliens, but good for citizens.

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