
This paper presents the development of a Contactless Chatbot which can be used in banks to solve/guide general queries of customer who are visiting the bank on day to day basis and thus the concept of “social distancing” between the customers is enforced and the bank employee can achieve to a large extent relief via the Chatbots . Contactless Chatbots is a intelligent system that understand user’s natural language queries and responds accordingly in a conversation. The paper presents an efficient machine learning Chatbot which takes data from Banks of Mumbai and provides accurate answers to user’s query and can guide customers in a meaningful manner during and after covid-2019 situation. The Contactless Chatbot is developed keeping the cosine algorithm as our base, An article will be downloaded through the specified URL, after which tokenization is performed using TF-IDF vector, followed by lemmatization and vectorization to get a similarity score from which our machine learns and provides the most efficient results to the user. Additionally, we also use a dictionary to remove all punctuations in the article, and to get the similarity score in the user’s query and according to the similarity score the response will be generated by the Chatbot. The detailed explanation about the algorithm is presented under the Methodology section of this paper. The main aim of this paper is to provide a solution to banks so that there is a contactless communication between the employees of the bank and the customers which would be very beneficial during these pandemic times. The Chatbot proposed in this paper has the capability to replace the “May I Help You?” desk which is present in every bank just at the entrance, It will also be a major boon in the current Covid-19 situation, fostering minimum or no human to human interaction.

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