
Nowadays, the banking industry is no exception to the general trend of massive data production in all spheres of modern life. In this research, we analyze the categorization of marketing data from banks using a variety of machine learning techniques. The term banking refers to the supply of services by a bank to an individual consumer. The data was first compiled from the UCI Machine Learning repository and the Kaggle website. Phone-based banking marketing statistics are the focus of this data set. Python is utilized as the language of implementation, and the Machine Learning concept is employed for statistical learning and data analysis in this work. An improved prediction is the primary goal of machine learning's model-building phase. In order to classify the results, a supervised Naive Bayes algorithm is used to the data. The primary goal of the modeling effort is to characterize whether or not the consumer has chosen a term deposit. The bank should devote substantial time to returning phone calls from prospective customers. Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score were all evaluated as a consequence of this study in the direction of term deposit forecasting.

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