
The goal is to determine the role of bank lending to agriculture, to analyze the sectoral structure of loan investments in real sector of economy, the volume of loans to agricultural sector, to clarify the reasons for the reluctance of banks to lend to AIC and to study the factors hindering the development of lending relations. In this regard, the objective was set to consider the state and identify problems of lending to agricultural entities by second-tier banks. The main problems of the availability of bank loans for agro-industrial enterprises are identified. Results – the current state of lending to agricultural production by commercial banks was analyzed, the main problems of the availability of bank loans were considered, and proposals on the effective financing of enterprises in agricultural sector of economy of Kazakhstan in modern economic conditions were developed. It is shown that the provision of agricultural enterprises with credit resources is determined by a number of features inherent in agriculture. Thus, the risky nature of agricultural activities is noted due to specific features and the lack of liquid collateral. The paper notes that banks are attracted to large businesses that are able to provide collateral and, accordingly, qualify for a large amount of lending funds. These factors, along with the financial condition, are decisive for creditor banks. Based on the analysis of bank lending to agricultural enterprises, it was concluded that the current system of lending to agricultural enterprises is not effective enough. The authors state that in order to ensure the availability of financial resources for agricultural producers, an optimal mechanism for the interaction between agricultural producers and commercial banks in lending procedure is necessary.

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