
This paper discusses the use of portfolio approaches based on bandit algorithms to optimize multicriteria decision-making in recommender systems (accuracy and diversity). While previous research has primarily focused on single-item recommendations, this study extends the research to consider the recommendation of several items per iteration. Two methods, Multiple-play Gorthaur and Budgeted-Gorthaur, are proposed to solve the algorithm selection problem and their performances on real-world datasets are compared. Both methods provide a generalization of the Gorthaur method, which enables it to operate with any Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) and Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit (CMAB) algorithm as meta-algorithm in a multi-item recommendation scenario. For Multiple-play Gorthaur, an empirical evaluation shows that the use of Thompson Sampling for algorithm selection (Gorthaur-TS) yields better results than the original EXP3 method (Gorthaur-EXP3) and the exclusive use of the optimal algorithm in the portfolio in contextual recommendation problems. Additionally, the paper includes a theoretical regret analysis based on the TS sketch proof applied for this variant of the method. Concerning Budgeted-Gorthaur, experiments show that it allows more flexibility to achieve a suitable trade-off between criteria and a broader coverage of the Pareto set of solutions, overcoming a natural limit of “a-priori” methods. Finally, this paper provides a detailed review, including pseudocodes and theoretical bounds, for all the fundamental MAB and CMAB algorithms used in this study.

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