
Banda export nutmeg and mace commodities which are rich in essential oils make this plant one of the export commodities on the international market. Banda Neira with the sub-district center located on the island of Neira is one of the Districts in Central Maluku Regency which has the highest amount of nutmeg production, and is a natural spice of the Banda Islands and is known as the nutmeg Banda. This study aims to analyze the nutmeg marketing channel Banda in Banda Neira District, Central Maluku Regency. Sampling uses the random sampling method using a lottery. The data analysis method used is a quantitative analysis approach. The results showed that the in-depth knowledge of farmers about the handling of lean crops coupled with the discovery of aflatoxin which resulted in Banda nutmeg being rejected by international markets, this became a dilemma for exporters whose focus was on small farmers who in their post-harvest processing did not meet international quality standards. This is also triggered by the share received by farmers as the main marketing actor, which is much smaller than other marketing institutions that contribute to the Banda nutmeg marketing chain, so that handling and marketing seems not right, and strategies for more efficient marketing channel analysis are needed that is through the role of marketing institutions involved in developing and marketing nutmeg commodities. There was 70 percent of respondents (42 people) involved in the short marketing channel, through subdistrict traders and 30 percent (18 people) farmers engaged in the long marketing channel through village collectors with different levels of prices charged by each marketing agency.


  • Komoditi ekspor biji dan fuli pala Banda yang kaya akan kandungan minyak atsiri menjadikan tanaman ini sebagai salah satu komoditas ekspor di pasaran internasional

  • This study aims to analyze the nutmeg marketing channel Banda in Banda Neira District, Central Maluku Regency

  • The results showed that the in-depth knowledge of farmers about the handling of lean crops coupled with the discovery of aflatoxin which resulted in Banda nutmeg being rejected by international markets, this became a dilemma for exporters whose focus was on small farmers who in their post-harvest processing did not meet international quality standards

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Petani-Pedagang Pengumpul Kecamatan-Eksportir

Petani sebagian kecil terlibat dalam saluran pemasaran ini dengan kapasitas pembelian oleh PPD terhadap biji dan fuli pala juga bervariasi antara pedagang yang satu dengan pedagang yang lainnya tergantung dari hasil panen dari petani pala saat itu, rata-rata hasil pembelian biji pala dari petani sekitar 17 kg per musim panen, sementara rata-rata pembelian fuli kering dari petani berkisar antara 2 kg atau setiap harinya sekitar 3 sampai 5 kg. Antara petani dengan pedagang pengumpul desa (PPD) telah menjalin hubungan dagang yang baik artinya berasaskan kepercayaan tanpa terikat kontrak dan merupakan transaksional (bebas) dan selalu diperbaharui dan proses tawar menawar pun akan tercipta dalam pemasaran (Ollong et all, 2013). Hasil pala yang telah dibeli PPD kemudian ditampung dalam rumah atau gudang dan apabila telah mencukupi target penjualan barulah hasil pala tersebut dijual ke PPK yang terpusat di Kecamatan Banda Neira. Rata-rata penjualan ke PPK (pedagang pengumpul kecamatan) sebesar 3,67 ton/musim panen

Model II
Eksportir Harga Beli dari PPK
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