
The restoration of natural grasslands invaded by exotic plant species depends on the composition of the soil seed bank. We analyzed the composition of germinable soil seed bank in two environments of the Paititi Natural Reserve (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Paspalum quadrifarium Lam. grasslands (natural grassland) and grasslands invaded by species of exotic trees that were no more than five years old, Racosperma melanoxylon (R. Br.) Pedley, synonymous Acacia melanoxylon (invaded grassland). Soil samples from each environment were taken at three sites, and by recording seedling emergence under controlled conditions we determined: 1) the total soil seed bank density of the functional groups (dicots, grasses and graminoids), richness, equitability and diversity indices, and specific abundance, 2) floristic dissimilarity,and 3) zootechnical value. The seed bank of native and exotic species was not significantly different between environments. Average seed bank density and species richness were not significantly different between environments (~10000 seeds/m2 and 30 species, respectively). Seed density of the functional groups and the diversity and equitability indices were not significantly different between environments. Still, floristic dissimilarity among environments was as low as 0.36, explained by the absence of a greater number of species in the invaded grassland. The seed bank of invaded grasslands was poor in forage species, consistent with a zootechnical value 26% lower than in the natural grassland. In the invaded grassland all P. quadrifarium plants were dead and their germinable seed bank was a third than in the natural grassland. The results suggest that an early intervention removing R. melanoxylon trees in the grassland invaded may preserve a soil seed bank comparable to those uninvaded grassland.


  • Se tomaron muestras de suelo de cada ambiente en tres sitios, y mediante el registro de la emergencia de plántulas bajo condiciones controladas se determinó: 1) la densidad del banco de semillas total y de los grupos funcionales, la riqueza, la equitatividad, la diversidad y la abundancia específica, 2) la disimilitud florística, y 3) el valor zootécnico

  • We analyzed the composition of germinable soil seed bank in two environments of the Paititi Natural Reserve (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Paspalum quadrifarium Lam. grasslands and grasslands invaded by species of exotic trees that were no more than five years old, Racosperma melanoxylon

  • Soil samples from each environment were taken at three sites, and by recording seedling emergence under controlled conditions we determined: 1) the total soil seed bank density of the functional groups, richness, equitability and diversity indices, and specific abundance, 2) floristic dissimilarity, and 3) zootechnical value

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Descripción del sitio de estudio

El estudio se realizó en un sector de la Reserva Natural Paititi, ubicada en el partido de General Pueyrredón, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (37°55’25’’ S - 57°49’12’’ O), correspondiente a la ecorregión Pampa Austral (Miñarro and Bilenca 2008). (e) Detalle del pastizal natural invadido por R. melanoxylon, con hojas secas acumuladas en el suelo y sin vegetación herbácea. Con el programa QGIS (QGIS Development Team 2019) se trazó una grilla con celdas de 20×20 m sobre la imagen satelital de la zona de estudio, se contaron las celdas ocupadas por los árboles y se determinó el porcentaje invadido respecto al número total de celdas; ~35% estaba cubierto por acacias (Figura 1). En cada sitio de muestreo se determinaron dos ambientes, el pastizal natural y el pastizal invadido por R. melanoxylon (Figura 1). Al momento de realizar el muestreo del banco de semillas, el ambiente del pastizal natural estaba dominado por P. quadrifarium. Se observaron algunas plantas aisladas de Dactylis glomerata L. con biomasa verde y las de P. quadrifarium muertas (Figura 1)

Muestreo del banco de semillas del suelo y variables analizadas
Análisis de los datos
Diversidad del banco de semillas
Disimilitud entre ambientes y curvas de rangoabundancia
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