
Banana is one of the major fruit crops being grown in India and is a mainstay for small and marginal farmers. Concerted efforts of scientists to identify newer technologies, involvement of state agencies and adoption of innovation by the farmers coupled with favourable policy environment made sea change in banana production and productivity. ICAr- NrCB has released new varieties like Udayam, Kaveri Saba, Kaveri Kalki, Kaveri Sugantham, Kaveri Haritha and Kaveri Kanya to meet out various stressors. Bio-controls for pest and disease management, dipstick method to identify the viruses and Banana Sakthi, Micronutrient spray to boost the banana yield and quality are the notable achievements of the institute. With a vast collection of germplasm, bio-fortified bananas through transgenic approach were developed. Shipping protocol for Nendran bananas and Grand Naine for the Middle East and Europe markets is highly appreciated. However, banana farming world over is under threat with the dreadful diseases like TR4, new insect pests like banana skipper butterfly, scarring beetle, semi loopers. Site specific production technologies coupled with better protection and handling protocols are required to avoid the doldrums in the banana industry which is otherwise shaky in many parts of the world. New varieties, genetic engineering and Bioformulations are required to boost the morale of banana farmers and other associated stakeholders.

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