
AbstractBamboo stumps can be a congenial breeding habitat of the mosquitoes. In view of this, a preliminary assessment of the dipteran immatures inhabiting the stumps of bamboo groves in the Darjeeling Himalayas was carried out at a spatial scale. Of the 104 stumps of Dendrocalamus hamiltoni surveyed, 70 were found to host immatures of three dipteran species, the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus and the midges Chironomus sp. in varying densities. Though the stumps varied in diameter, in each stump on average 12. 1 immatures were found. The abundance of the immatures was positively correlated with the diameter of the stumps (r=+0.382; P < 0.001) but negatively with the pH of the water present in the stumps (r=–0.336; P < 0.01). The coefficient of association was found to be +8.4 for the Ae. aegypti and Chironomus immatures, while in the rest of the species pair the association seemed to be independent. Thus it can be concluded that the stumps in the bamboo groves of Darjeeling Himalayas provides a favourable habitat for the mosquito and chironomid immatures.

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