
The Dalits in India are still considered as ‘Other’ and treated unjustly by the upper caste. This dominant behaviour ideology of the upper caste makes them execute their power over the powerless. The purpose of this study is to identify the psychological conflicts faced by the Dalits through Bama’s Vanmam. This novel had recognized the internal politics and the dominant behaviour of the upper caste which resulted in executing communal violence among the Dalits themselves. The study uses a method of textual analysis to understand the internal conflicts of the Dalits and also to identify the external political affairs of the upper castes. The study also focuses on the mob psychology of the Dalits as mentioned by the author in the novel. The study aims to bring out the structural hierarchy and social inequality among the Dalits themselves in the novel Vanmam. The study also urges the Dalit community to forget the difference between them and unite as one strong community. It also strongly asserts Ambedkar’s ideology ‘Educate! Organize! and Agitate!’ Bama in this novel echoed the inter-caste rivalry among the Dalit communities in India in general and specifically in Kandampatti village. Further, this article also aims to project the attitude of young, educated Dalits who significantly restore harmony and bring decorum and dignity to the lives of other Dalits in the village. The main objective of the study is to identify the internal psychological differences among the Dalits. It further explores the animosity between two Dalit communities provoked by the upper-caste landlords. It also discusses the pangs of oppression, untouchability, communal violence, negation and marginalization the Dalits experienced under the caste system.

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