
Bogen Baltikums befrielse fra 2023 af T. Berglund og N. Sennerteg giver en meget bred fremstilling med mange personlige beretninger af krigene i Baltikum i 1918–1920, der førte til at estere, letter og litauere kunne oprette egne stater. Delen om Litauen er noget kortfattet, men generelt giver bogen fine indblik i meget forskellige aktørers perspektiver, hvilket hjælper til at forstå de især i Letland meget komplicerede interessekonflikter. The book Baltikums befrielse (Freeing the Baltic) by T. Berglund and N. Sennerteg offers a very broad presentation with many personal reports of the wars in the Baltics in 1918–1920 that made it possible for Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians to form their own states. The part about Lithuania is quite brief, but in general, the book offers good insights into the perspectives of very different players. This helps to understand the very complex conflicts of interest that were at play, in Latvia in particular.

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