
Abstract: The conventional voting system faces widespread distrust, necessitating a shift towards democratic voting in nations. The suggested platform offers a framework that can be used to perform blockchain-based digital voting without the need for actual polling places. Our suggested design makes use of adaptable consensus algorithms to enable a scalable blockchain. The voting process can be made more secure by the voting system’s application of the Chain Security Algorithm. In the process of carrying out a transaction in the chain, smart contracts offer a safe connection between the user and the network. It has also been argued how secure the voting mechanism based on blockchain is. Furthermore, elaborated are the methods for preventing 51 percent attack on the blockchain and encrypting transactions using cryptographic hashes. Additionally, using Blockchain, the procedure for conducting blockchain transactions during the voting process has been developed. Ultimately, the suggested system’s performance review demonstrates that a sizable population can use the system. In conclusion the proposed blockchainbased voting system aims to build trust between government and voters, make the voting process transparent and trustworthy, and improve the level of the electoral system’s reliability, traceability, and trust.

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