
This study was prepared to determine the ballistic protection capacity of ETİAL-171 (A360) series aluminum. A360 series aluminum is a possible alternative to other aluminum series with high mechanical properties, cost of casting, excellent pressure tightness, and high corrosion resistance even at elevated temperatures and without heat treatment. The ballistic tests were divided into two parts, the amateur part which used 9mm ammunition at a distance of 16 meters, and the professional part based on ballistic laboratory data using 357 magnum ammunitions. The laboratory tests were carried out according to the FB3 bullet resistance class by following per under EN-1522-1523 standards. As a result of these tests, the ETİAL-171 aluminum was able to hold 3 out of 5 bullets based on 9mm bullets, and it was not successful against 357 magnum bullets. When this resistance is evaluated, ETİAL-171 series aluminum cage armor can be used against chemical energy ammunition. This evaluation was made by finite element method with the help of ANSYS Explicit and Fusion 360, and its success was proven. The ETİAL-171 series aluminum cage armor proves that it can be used as an alternative by the finite element method, as well as providing partial success against class below the FB3 bullet resistance class.

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