
This research aims to determine the effect of the panel configuration which has the strongest resistance and to analyze the ballistic toughness of the Al2O3 and Weldox 460 E Steel panel configurations. The criteria to be looked for are the Depth of Penetration, Deflection and Final Projectile Length. To determine the accuracy of this study, a verification of the simulation research previously conducted by Dey et al. The method used is based on simulation with the finite element method. The software used is ANSYS/Explicit Dynamic solver AUTODYN 18.1. The modeling used in this study is simplified into 2D Axisymmetric. Alumina and Weldox 460 E steel panel configuration variations that will be used in this study. There are 7 variations of the panel configuration used, namely B12, A5B5, A5B10, A10B5, A10B10, A12B12 and A15B15. Alumina material as the front panel, while Weldox 460 E as the back panel. In calculating the mechanical behavior of the material, while the Alumina material uses the Johnson Holmquist (JH2) Strength parameter. And then, the Weldox 460 E material uses Johnson and Cook parameters. The results obtained indicate that the A12B12 and A15B15 panel configurations are able to withstand projectiles. The A12B12 panel configuration has a depth of penetration value of 23 mm, a deflection value of 4.3 mm and a Vbl value of 954.69 m/s. while the best panel configuration is A15B15 with a depth of penetration value of 21 mm, a deflection value of 1.4 mm and a Vbl value of 1345.9 m/s. then the conclusion of this study shows that the A15B15 panel configuration is the best panel configuration that is able to withstand projectiles.

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