
<p><strong>T<em>he article focuses on</em></strong><em> identifying the essence of the 18th century ballet reform within the context of contemporary ballet art. <strong>The chosen topic </strong>is explored through the monographs of Sergey Hudekov and Vera Krasovska, works of Jury Sloņimsky, Richard Kraus, Sarah Chapman Hilsendager, Brenda Dixon, B. and other dance researchers. In Latvia this topic has been addressed by R. Spalva in the monograph Classical Dance and Ballet in European Culture. <strong>The aim of the article </strong>is to analyse preconditions of 18th century ballet reforms, as well as to recognise the essence of reforms and their impact upon further development of ballet art. <strong>Research subject </strong>- ballet reforms of the Enlightenment era and contribution of Jean-Georges Noverre to their realisation. <strong>Research methods </strong>- scientific literature analysis, dance theory and history research. </em></p>

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