
Ball-lens hollow fiber Raman Probe (BHRP) and FTIR spectroscopy were main tools in this study. Thus, both of equipments detected the alteration of antisymmetric and symmetric P=O stretching vibration within our mice colorectal tumor models. Some differences of spectra due to randomly the edge of each BHRP and FTIR attached the surface of tumor during measurements. Meanwhile, the application of FTIR potentially differentiates the grade levels of non-clinic samples colorectal tumor models at four different grades (normal, grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3). Detailed investigations were assignable to wave numbers that publicized to represent biochemical alteration. The whole of investigated spectra in the fingerprint region revealed some different peaks and shoulders, most of which were assignable to wave numbers that exposed to represent biochemical alteration within the tissue. Differences in peak heights and peak ratio indicated differences in biochemical composition of cancer from different grade level. However, all collected colorectal tumor model at different peak was distinguishable, where antisymmetric and symmetric P=O stretching vibration was imaged and mapped clearly by both equipments. Therefore, BHRP were comfortable for in vivo studies. Meanwhile FTIR spectral analysis in combination with calibration curve might be used to distinguish cancer grade within colorectal tumor model tissue for ex vivo study.

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