
<h3>To the Editor:</h3> —A recent article by H. Hécaen and J. de Ajuriaguerra (Balint's Syndrome [Psychic Paralysis of Visual Fixation] and Its Minor Forms,<i>Brain</i><b>77:</b>373-400, 1954) has drawn our attention to a description by Balint in 1909 in the German literature and to a subsequent description by the foregoing authors in the French literature of an entity which may well be the same as that we have recently described under the heading of "Ocular Motor Apraxia" (A. M. A.Arch. Ophth.<b>50:</b>434-442, 1953). By whatever name one wishes to call them, these cases should probably be considered together. The patient described by Balint showed (1) inability to look toward a point in the peripheral field voluntarily but full ocular movements when higher psychological functions were not involved, (2) full "proprioceptive control" of ocular movements, and (3) specific inattention for visual stimuli, noted particularly for objects in the

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