
Even though incidental captures in fisheries are one of the major threats to seabirds, bycatch has been difficult to quantify and specific risk areas are rarely identified. The present study evaluates the potential fisheries bycatch effect on two of the most emblematic seabird species wintering off continental Portugal, the critically endangered Balearic Shearwater and Northern Gannet. Information was collected by on-board observers and voluntary logbooks kept by fishing boat captains. Each species' Potential Biological Removal (for the study area) was based on the respective population abundance estimated through aerial surveys. The analysis of bycatch mortality identified the Fixed Gear in the Polyvalent fleet and Purse Seiners as the fisheries with the highest Balearic Shearwater bycatch rate. Longline and Fixed Gear fisheries had the highest Northern Gannet bycatch rate. The Potential Biological Removal thresholds were 41 Balearic Shearwaters per year (CI = 20–83) and 2345 Northern Gannets per year (CI = 2049–2680). The overlap between the predictive species distribution maps and fisheries density maps allowed for a seabird Bycatch Risk Assessment. The higher Balearic Shearwater bycatch risk was obtained for Fixed Gear and Purse Seines and the highest Northern Gannet bycatch risk was obtained for Longline and Fixed Gear fisheries. Bycatch mitigation measures should be applied in fisheries presenting the higher bycatch risks. This study identifies the potential areas where Balearic Shearwater and Northern Gannet bycatch is more likely to occur, including some of the already designated Special Protection Areas where management and conservation measures should urgently be applied.

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