
. Academic program review is analyzed in regard'to purposes, process, schedule and timing', criteria, and decisioni. Attention is 'also briefly addressed*to the orgamizational entities that oversee the process otstate-level program.review. The purposes of program review are linked to budgeting decisions, mission delineation, and potential program improvement. In terms of_process, statewide boards can share responsibility for review with public iie universities, or the-boards may aVsume major rebponsibility for academic program review through a consultantrbased approach or through the use of agency staff. Most,states,have applied a number of criteria in program review rather than a fewparticularly, the number of, graduates, students enrolled, student interest and demand, . appropriateness to role and miSsion, program quality, size of classes, and cost of courses--but consensus is lacking as to how qualitative factors should be used in program review. State-level . recommendations resulting from program review may include continuation, modification, merger, or discontinu tion. Additional considerationijelating to state-level programtr view include: Whether to review degree programs or departmet., research and public service centers, and nonacademic areas; the atcommodation between program review and specialized accreditation; the pattern of Use of program review in other, state-level decision making; expectations of other state-level authorities; and the.nature of irfstitutional leadership exercised. (SW). MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. *Accountabilityl College Planning; *Cotlege-Prograk; *Decision Making; Educa0OnA Assessment; Evaluation Criteria; Higher EdUcatlion; *Program .Evaluaiion; State Boards of Education; State Colleges; *Statewide . ,

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