
Improved small molecule bioanalytical sensitivity and concomitant decreased sample volume requirements provide an opportunity to reconsider how toxicokinetic (TK) data are collected in rat toxicity studies. Often, satellite groups of rats are designated to separate procedural effects of TK blood collection from the primary toxicity evaluation. Blood microsampling (i.e., ≤50 μL) decreases the blood volume collected such that TK samples can be collected from toxicity groups without impacting toxicity assessment. Small plasma sampling uses slightly higher blood volumes (i.e., 200 μL) with comparable technical feasibility and, importantly, allows multiple analyses with no negative impact on study interpretation. Our "base case" study designs utilize sparse TK sampling from sample toxicity group rats (1-2 samples/rat). Alternate designs with satellite animals may still be warranted based on study objectives (e.g., biomarkers), intolerability, or smaller rat strains; however, we propose these as exceptions rather than standard practice and with a focus to use the fewest animals possible. We review the state of knowledge in bioanalytical and blood sampling techniques and support the paradigm whereby TK sampling of main study animals significantly decreases the overall number of rats required for toxicity assessments and refines study interpretation with additional data options. These efforts maintain a commitment to the 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and refinement) while maintaining high-quality TK evaluations on toxicity studies.

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