
Airports are required to manage the quantity and quality of stormwater on site while ensuring the safety of aircraft operations; however, many stormwater management options can create potential aviation bird hazards. In addition, airports are faced with potentially conflicting federal, state, and local stormwater and wildlife management regulations and guidance. Research was therefore needed to develop proactive tools and guidance to assist airports in making decisions that balance stormwater management and bird hazard management. This report and the accompanying CRP-CD 159, Bird Strike Risk Analysis and Stormwater Management Decision Tool provide valuable guidance to help airports identify and evaluate stormwater management and bird mitigation practices. The research began with a review of applicable regulations, guidance documents, and relevant research. Next, the research team identified airport stormwater management options and assessed the potential effect these options could have on waterfowl behavior. Using this analysis, a matrix was developed that considered the likelihood and severity of a bird strike given various stormwater design characteristics. A draft tool was then developed using a safety management system (SMS) framework. Two airport case studies were conducted to obtain input from initial users and to see how the tool performed at airports of different sizes and activity levels and with differing amounts of available data. The research team used the results of research and the case studies to prepare the final tool and to prepare the report. The report documents the research objectives, details the research approach, presents the findings and conclusions, and suggests areas of future research. The report also features appendices, including a summary of the case studies and references. The tool uses the Federal Aviation Administration’s SMS approach to assess potential risks to minimize hazards posed to aviation by birds attracted to bodies of water as well as to evaluate alternative stormwater management options. The tool also features resources, including a list of hazardous water-dependent bird species, bird mitigation definitions, USDA-recommended landscaping vegetation for use at airports, definitions, and the references and assumptions used to develop the tool. Lastly, the CD-ROM includes a summary sheet describing the research and tool that is suitable for outreach material. The report and tool can be used to foster interaction between airport industry practitioners and environmental regulators and help them reach implementable solutions that meet their respective objectives and missions.

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